HL Deb 21 June 1922 vol 50 c994

My Lords, I beg to make the Motion standing on the Paper in my name with regard to this Bill, which relates to the pilotage districts of Blyth and Buckie and to those under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Trinity House of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. This Bill has passed through the House of Commons without opposition, and is to be read a second time in the House of Lords to-day, if possible. There are no Amendments, and it is not anticipated that there will be any opposition on the Second Reading. It was not possible to complete the negotiations between the parties concerned, which resulted in agreed Orders, in time to introduce the Bill into the House of Commons so that it would reach the Second Reading in the House of Lords before June 15, and it therefore becomes necessary to move the suspension of the Sessional Order of May 4 last. I therefore move.

Moved, That the Order made on the 4th day of. May last, "That no Provisional Order Confirmation Bill brought from the House of Commons shall be read a second time after Thursday, the 15th day of June next," be dispensed with, and that the Bill be now read 2a.—(Lord Somerleyton.)

On Question, Motion agreed to: Bill read 2a accordingly.