HL Deb 28 February 1922 vol 49 c243

LORD SOMERLEYTON rose to move, That the draft of a Special Order proposed to be made by the Board of Trade under Section 10 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, on the application of the Dursley Gas Light and Coke Company, Limited, which was presented on the 23rd February, be approved.

The noble Lord said: My Lords, this Order and five other Orders described upon the Paper are similar to those which I have had the honour of moving previously in your Lordships' House, and I think they require very few words of explanation. I propose, as the most convenient course to your Lordships, to move them en bloc, as I have done before. I do not think anything need be said except to remind your Lordships that under Section 10 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, the Board of Trade are empowered to make Orders conferring special powers on companies and local authorities in relation to the supply of gas. That section provides that any such Order shall be laid in draft before both Houses of Parliament, and that it shall not be made unless both Houses by Resolution approve the draft, either without modification or addition, or with modification or addition to which both houses agree. I believe the Resolutions are being moved in the other House to-day.

With regard to the Orders themselves no opposition has been made in respect of Dursley, Newport, Rushden and Stafford. Opposition was made with regard to Swansea, but various amendments have been made in the draft Order to meet the objections, which have now been withdrawn. With regard to Torquay, the application was not opposed. I beg to move.

Moved, That the draft of a Special Order proposed to be made by the Board of Trade under Section 10 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, on the application of the Dursley Gas Light and Coke Company, Limited, which was presented on the 23rd February, be approved.—(Lord Somerleyton.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.