HL Deb 24 May 1921 vol 45 cc359-60

LORD STUART OF WORTLEY rose to move to resolve, "That in accordance with the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, this House do direct that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Measure, 1921, be presented to His Majesty for Royal Assent." The noble Lord said: This Motion is made under the terms of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, which requires that before a Measure which has been passed by the General Assembly is presented to His Majesty for his Assent, it should be directed to be so placed before His Majesty by Resolution passed in both Houses of Parliament. The effect of the Measure passed by the National Assembly, which has been presented to this House of Parliament in a White Paper ordered to be printed on April 20, 1921, and numbered 38, which has been to the Ecclesiastical Committee under the said Act, which has been reported upon by the Ecclesiastical Committee in another White Paper numbered 37, which practice they do not work out in accordance with expectations based on theory. I certainly strongly support Lord Strachie's proposal.

On Question, whether the Motion be agreed to?—Their Lordships divided:— Contents, 33; Not-Contents, 18.

has been reported by that Committee as not being contrary to the rights of His Majesty's subjects in any way and being in itself desirable, is to enable the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to exercise a power which, without this measure, they would not have—namely, to grant pensions out of their funds, not only to the beneficed clergy, to whom they at present grant pensions, but also to the un-beneficed clergy, who do not get preferment, but who remain in the active service of the Church and who may be worn out by old age, infirmity or illness. That is an object with which your Lordships will sympathise and in that hope I make the Motion.

Moved, That in accordance with the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, this House do direct that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Measure, 1921, be presented to His Majesty for Royal Assent.—(Lord Stuart of Wortley.)