HL Deb 10 May 1921 vol 45 c276

Amendments reported (according to Order)


After-care by councils of counties and county boroughs

2. Without prejudice and in addition to any other power, whether under this or any other Act, every council of a county or county borough shall have power to make such arrangements as they may think desirable for the after-case of persons who have suffered front tuberculosis (including persons for the time being insured under the National Health Insurance Act, 1911, as amended or extended by any past or future enactment), and the provisions of this Act relating to committees and joint committees shall extend accordingly as though in those provisions the expression "treatment of tuberculosis "included such after-care.


My Lords, I have one small and purely verbal Amendment to move at this stage.

Amendment moved— Clause 2, page 2, line 26, leave out (" Health "). —(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.