HL Deb 05 July 1921 vol 45 cc957-8

(a) Widows Pensions.

6.Widows' ordinary pension.—The pension shall be—

10.Member of a police force dying from any other cause or pensioner dying as the result of accidental injury received in the execution of his duty.—The allowance in respect of each child who has not attained the age of sixteen shall be an annual allowance up to the time that child attains the ago of sixteen at the rate of—

Provided that the aggregate amount of such allowances in any year shall not exceed 30l., 40l. and 50l. in the three cases respectively; but if he leaves no widow, or if the widow dies before all the children attain the age of sixteen, the actual and aggregate allowance may be increased by fifty per cent. above the sums hereinbeforo mentioned.

(d) Children's Gratuities.

11. The gratuity shall be an amount not exceeding one-sixtieth of the annual pay for each completed year of approved service, or where he had not completed one year of approved service not exceeding one-sixtieth of the annual pay, so that the total amount of any gratuity or gratuities granted to the widow and children does not exceed one-twelfth of the annual pay for each completed year of approved service, or, where he has not completed one year of approved service, the amount of the rateable deductions which had been made from the pay.

(e) Dependants' Gratuities.

12. The gratuity shall be an amount not exeeeding the amount of the rateable deductions which have been made from the pay of the member of the police force.

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