HL Deb 05 July 1921 vol 45 cc958-60

13. The same person shall not be entitled, unless expressly so provided in this Act, to a gratuity in addition to a pension, or to both an ordinary pension and a special pension.

14. A gratuity shall be paid in one sum, except that in special cases it may be paid by instalments if the police authority consider that it would be to the advantage of a widow or children to do so; and a child's allowance or gratuity limy be paid to a guardian or trustee if the police authority consider that it would be to the advantage of the child to do so.

THE EARL OF ONSLOW moved, in Part II, at the beginning after "Widows' ordinary pension—The pension shall be," to insert "the amount specified under (1) or (2) of the following scales whichever is the greater, that is to say (1)." The noble Earl said: This is consequential on the Amendments your Lordships have introduced into Clause 3.

Amendment moved— Page 27, line 4, at end insert the said words.—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

The EARL OF ONSLOW moved, at the end of paragraph 6, to insert:—

" (2) An amount ascertained according to the length of her husband's service and his pay at the time of his death or retirement as follows:—

Completed years of approved service. Percentage of annual pay.
Per cent.
30 years or over 12½
25 years and under 30 10
20 years and under 25 8
15 years and under 20 6
10 years and under 15 4

subject, however, in the case of the widow of a pensioner, to a deduction equal to twenty-five per cent, of the amount for each complete year for which her husband's pension had been drawn."

The noble Earl said: This Amendment is consequential upon these which your Lordships have already introduced into the Bill.

Amendment moved— Page 27, line 12, at end insert the said new paragraph.—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

THE EARL OF ONSLOW moved, at the beginning of paragraph 10, to insert "or pensioner" after "member of a police force," and to leave out "or pensioner dying as the result of accidental injury received in the execution of his duty." The noble Earl said: These are drafting Amendments consequential on those made in Clause 4.

Amendments moved— Page 27, line 36, after (" force ") insert (" or pensioner ") and leave out front (" cause ") to (" The ") in line 38.—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.


The two following Amendments on the Paper are purely drafting.

Amendments moved—

Page 28, lines 6 and 7, leave out (" and aggregate allowance ") and insert (" allowance or allowances and the aggregate amount of any allowances ");

Page 28, line 14, after (" the ") insert (" children or to the ").—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question Amendments agreed to.

THE EARL OF ONSLOW moved to omit from paragraph 11, the concluding words: "or, where he has not completed one year of approved service, the amount of the rateable deductions which had been made from the pay," and insert other words. The noble Earl said: Under Clause 4, as it originally stood, the widow's gratuity was more favourable to the widow in many cases, and this Amendment is moved to make the position clearer.

Amendment moved— Page 28, lines 16 to 18, leave out from (" service ") to the end of the paragraph and insert (" and the total amount of any gratuities granted to the children shall not in any case exceed One-half of the annual pay ").—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


Two further drafting Amendments follow.

Amendments moved—

Page 28, line 20, leave out (" the gratuity shall be an amount not exceeding ") and insert (" the total amount of any gratuity or gratuities paid to a dependant or dependants of a member of a police force or pensioner shall not exceed ")

Page 28, line 22, leave out (" the pay of the member of the police force ") and insert (" his pay ").—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.

THE EARL OF ONSLOW moved, in paragraph 14, after "instalments" to insert "or applied on behalf of the grantee." The noble Earl said: This is to enable the authority to apply a gratuity on behalf of the grantee instead of paying it direct.

Amendment moved— Page 28, line 29, after (" instalments ") insert (" or applied on behalf of the grantee ").—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


The remaining Amendments on the Paper are drafting.

Amendments moved—

Page 28, line 31, leave out (" or children ") and insert (" child or dependant "), and after (" gratuity ") insert (" or a dependant's gratuity ");

Page 28, line 33, after (" child ") insert (" or dependant ").—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.

First Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

Remaining Schedules agreed to.