HL Deb 11 August 1921 vol 43 c449

My Lords, since I addressed your Lordships yesterday on the subject of Ireland a development has taken place of which it is proper you should be apprised. After I had spoken yesterday, Mr. Barton, Mr. McGrath and Mr. O'Brien reached London conveying to the Prime Minister a message from Mr. de Valera in relation to the offer of which I had previously- spoken to your Lordships. As the House is aware, the Prime Minister is at the present moment in Paris. The communication has been sent on to him by aeroplane, and, so far as one may conjecture, has been received at the moment I am now addressing the House. In those circumstances, though I am not in a position to say more as to the tenour of the reply, I ought to modify what I said yesterday by making plain that in my view, having regard to what has happened, a statement will necessarily be made both in this House and elsewhere on Tuesday next.