HL Deb 27 July 1920 vol 41 cc596-8

My Lords, in moving the adjournment of the House I beg to inform your Lordships that the Finance Bill should reach us from the House of Commons to-morrow, in which case I think probably it will be most convenient for the Second Reading to be taken on Friday next, in the afternoon. There are two other important Bills which it is hoped may leave the House of Commons during the present week—namely, the Ministry of Mines Bill, and the Indemnity Bill. I should imagine that if they reach us on Thursday, July 29, we should take the First Reading forthwith and proceed with the Second Reading as early as possible next week. There are also several small Departmental Bills about to reach this House—namely, a Telegraph Money Bill, a Post Office and Telegraph Bill, Bills dealing with Early Closing, with Irish Resident Magistrates, and with Dangerous Drugs, an Increase of Pensions Bill, the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill, and another measure with a very solemn title which I believe is a very small Bill, the Representation of the People (No. 3) Bill. In addition to that the Ministry of Food (Continuance) Bill is now under discussion in the House of Commons and it is impossible at the moment to forecast when it will reach your Lordships. I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.


Can the noble Earl say definitely when the Second Reading of the Ministry of Mines Bill is likely to be taken?


My difficulty is that I do not know when it is going to reach us. If it reaches us the day after to-morrow and is read a first time at once, I should hope on Monday or Tuesday to take the Second Reading. I shall know more about that to-morrow, or the day after, when we will communicate with Lord Joicey.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

House adjourned at half-past six o'clock.