HL Deb 10 August 1920 vol 41 cc1167-9

[The references are to the Bill as amended in Committee.]

Clause 1, page 2, line 7, after ("order") insert: ("Provided that if by part of any such order it is proposed to prescribe any particulars with respect to any of the matters mentioned in paragraph 8 of the Schedule to this Act, that part of the order shall not have effect unless both Houses by resolution approve that part of the draft, or, if any modifications in that part are agreed to by both Houses, except as so modified.")

Clause 2, page 2, line 21, at end insert: ("(3) Any expenses incurred with the sanction of the Treasury by the Minister of Health or the Registrar-General in connection with the taking of a census or otherwise in connection with the exercise of his powers or the performance of his duties under this Act shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament.

Clause 4, page 3, line 33, after ("request") insert ("and cost").

Clause 6, page 4, line 7, leave out ("by a local authority").

Clause 6, line 8, after ("Health") insert ("by a local authority to which this section applies").

Clause 6, line 30, leave out from ("an beginning, to") in line 37, and insert: ("(3) The local authorities to which this section applies are the common council of the City of London, Metropolitan borough councils, the councils of counties, the councils of boroughs, and urban district councils. Provided that, without prejudice to the power of any other authority being a local authority to which this sect ion applies to make an application under this section.") After Clause 6, insert new clause A:

Expenses of local authorities.

A. Any expenses incurred in connection with the taking of a census under this Act in pursuance of an application made by a local authority, including the publication of any reports or returns relating to the census, shall be paid by the local authority by which the application for the census was made, and any expenses so incurred, and any other expenses incurred by a local authority under this Act, shall be defrayed in the case of the common council of the City of London and a metropolitan borough out of the general rate, in the case of a county council as expenses for general county purposes, and in the case of other councils as expenses incurred in the administration of the Public Health Acts, 1875 to 1908.

Clause 7, page 5, line 23, after ("person") insert ("otherwise than in the ordinary course of such employment").

Clause 8, page 5, line 38, leave out from the beginning to the end of line 40 and insert:

("(2) The local authorities to which the section of this Act relating to the taking of a local census applies shall be the councils of counties and burghs, and any expenses incurred by such councils under this Act shall be defrayed in the case of a county council out of the general purposes rate, and in the case of a town council out of the burgh general improvement assessment or any other assessment leviable in equal proportions on owners and occupiers, provided that the ratepayers of a police burgh shall not be assessed by the county council for any such expenses").

In the Schedule, page 7, leave out lines 7 and 8\

In the Schedule, page 7, line 9, leave out ("parentage")

In the Schedule, page 7, line 10, after ("issue") insert ("born in marriage").


I beg to move that the said Amendments be now considered. I hope that your Lordships will agree to all the Amendments which have been made in another place. They are mostly drafting, and those which are not drafting are to strengthen the control of Parliament over the Ministry. I do not know if your Lord- ships desire to ask any questions on any particular Amendment. I suggest that the Amendments should be agreed to.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.— (Viscount Astor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.