HL Deb 30 July 1919 vol 36 c120

Clause 27, page 22, line 31, after ("with") insert ("and if the owner has not given such notice as aforesaid")

The Commons disagree with this Amendment, but propose the following Amendment to the Bill in lieu thereof.

Clause 27, page 22, lines 30 to 33, leave out subsection (2) and insert as a new subsection:

(2) If the notice of the local authority is not complied with the local authority may—

  1. (a) at the expiration of the time specified in that notice if so such notice as aforesaid has been given by the owner; and
  2. (b) at the expiration of twenty-one days from the determination by the Local Government Board if such notice has been given by the owner, and the Local Government Board have determined that the house is capable without reconstruction of being made fit for human habitation;
do the work required to be done.


My Lords, I think upon this Amendment only a very short statement will be necessary—


It is agreed.


Yes, it is little more than a drafting Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.