HL Deb 16 July 1919 vol 35 cc627-8

My Lords, have to announce to your Lordships that I have received from the President of the Brazilian National Congress the following communication—

To His Excellency,

The President of the English Senate, London.

I have the honour to inform your Excellency that the Brazilian National Congress, in formal session, and at the instance of the President of the Committee for Diplomatic Affairs, resolved to congratulate the political body over which your Excellency so worthily presides, on the signature of the Treaty of Peace. Cordial greetings.


President of Congress.

I have further to announce to your Lordships that I have received from Benito Villanueva, President of the Argentine Senate, the following communication, dated June 30—

The Senate of the Argentine nation has unanimously resolved in to-day's session to express its intense satisfaction to the British House of Lords at the signature of the Peace Treaty, which puts an end to the trials, sufferings, and sacrifices endured for five years by the greater part of mankind. The Argentine Senate trusts that the generous and lofty ideals which have inspired the heroic effort of the sons of Great Britain and her Colonies will be converted into permanent guarantees consolidating for ever the dominion of peace and justice.

Agreeably with precedent, I have given directions that suitable replies shall be forwarded on behalf of your Lordships to those who have sent the Messages I have just read.