HL Deb 14 July 1919 vol 35 cc560-1

LORD STRACHIE rose to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture why the Annual Report of Proceedings under the Small Holding Colonies Act, 1916, for the year 1918, has been issued only to members of the House of Commons.

The noble Lord said: My Lords, this omission seems all the more remarkable seeing that a provision was put into the Statute requiring the Proceedings to be laid before both Houses. It seems that there must be some neglect in the matter.


My Lords, I can only say that I believe the fault lies with me. I was really unaware till this afternoon that I was responsible. When a matter is laid before the House, pursuant to an Act of Parliament, I understand that I ought myself to put a Minute upon it as a reminder to the Department that it ought to be printed and circulated. I regret to say I was unaware of it, that I did not put a Minute on the Order and that I believe an Order is on the Minutes of the House asking that it should be at once printed and circulated. I am very much obliged to the noble Lord for calling my attention to it. I am afraid it was my omission.