HL Deb 21 March 1918 vol 29 c614

THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY rose to ask His Majesty's Government whether it is now possible to make any statement as to the probability of the introduction of a Bill on the subject of tithe. The most rev. Primate said: My Lords, but for the lateness of the hour I should have wished to state why it is so extremely urgent that I should receive an answer to the question which I have upon the Paper.

The rise in tithe has created new conditions which require most careful handling, and the Government have in the House of Commons stated on more than one occasion that the matter is under consideration and that legislation will probably be passed at an early date. The matter does not brook delay.


My Lords, in answer to the Question of the most rev. Primate, I have to inform hint that the matter is receiving the most careful attention of the Govermnent, and it is hoped that a statement may be shortly. His Majesty's Government realise, as well as the most rev. Primate, that it is a question of no small importance, and I should hope that when the House resumes after the Easter holidays whoever represents the Board of Agriculture in this house will be able to give the most rev. Primate a rather more explicit answer than that which, I am sorry to say, is the only one I am authorised to give.