HL Deb 27 November 1917 vol 27 cc17-22



Section of Act. Amendment.
176 After subsection (1) the following subsection shall be inserted—
"(1A) All airmen of the Air Force who are attached or lent to the regular forces, subject, however, to the modifications contained in this Act."

The EARL of CRAWFORD moved to omit from the proposed new subsection the words "or lent." The noble Earl said: This is a drafting Amendment.

Amendment moved— First Schedule, page 11, line 4, leave out ("or lent").—(The Earl of Crawford.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Section of Act. Amendment.
184A The following subsection shall be inserted after subsection (1):—
"(1A) Where an officer or non-commissioned officer of the Air Force is a member of a body of His Majesty's Air Force acting with any body of His Majesty's military forces under such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations made by the Army Council and the Air council then, for the purposes of command and discipline and for the purposes of the provisions of this Act relating to superior officers, he shall, in relation to such body of His Majesty's military forces as aforesaid, be treated, and have all such powers (other than powers of punishment) as if he were a military officer or non-commissioned officer, as the case may be."

The EARL of CRAWFORD moved the addition of a proviso to the foregoing subsection. The noble Earl said: This Amendment and the one which I will move later are necessary to provide that an airman, where he is detached from a large unit of the Air Service and is working with men under the Army Act, shall be liable to the Army Act; and, likewise, that where a soldier under the Army Act is working with a large party or a distant party of airmen he shall be under the Air Force discipline That already applies in the Navy, where every soldier when on board ship is under the Naval Discipline Act. The Army Council and the Air Council will agree upon the terms to give effect to this.

Amendment moved— First Schedule, page 12, line 9, at end insert ("Provided that under regulations made by the Army Council and Air Council the officers and airmen of a body of the Air Force acting with any body of His Majesty's military forces on active service, or any of such officers or airmen, may, in such manner and in such circumstances and subject to such conditions as may be provided by or under those regulations, be made subject to military law, and in such case they shall be subject thereto in like manner as if they were officers and airmen attached to the Army ").—(The Earl of Crawford.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

First Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

Second Schedule:



Subject to the specific modifications made in Part II of this Schedule the Army Act shall apply with respect to the Air Force with the substitution of the terms set forth in the second column of the following table for the terms set forth in the first column of that Schedule wherever those terms occur in the Army Act.


Terms in Army Act. Substituted Terms.
"Army Act" Air Force Act.
"Army Council" Air Council.
"regular forces," or "His Majesty's regular forces." regular air force.

THE EARL OF CRAWFORD moved to leave out, under the heading "Terms in Army Act," the words "or 'His Majesty's regular forces.' "The noble Earl said: This is a drafting Amendment.

Amendment moved— Second Schedule, page 13, lines 13 and 14, leave out ("or 'His Majesty's regular forces'").—(The Earl of Crawford.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Section of Army Act. Modification or Exception.
32 "air or military" shall be inserted before "forces" wherever that word occurs.

The next is also a drafting Amendment.

Amendment moved— Second Schedule, page 14, lines 53 and 54, leave out ("before 'forces' wherever that word occurs") and insert ("after 'His Majesty's' wherever those words occur").—(The Earl of Crawford.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Section of Army Act. Modification or Exception.
175 The following subsection shall be inserted after subsection (1):—
"(1A) Any officer of the naval or military forces of the Crown who is attached, or lent to, or seconded for service with the Air Force, subject, however, to the modifications contained in this Act, and with this exception, that if the members of the body of the Air Force with which any such naval officer is serving are themselves subject to the Naval Discipline Act he shall remain subject to that Act."

THE EARL OF CRAWFORD moved to add at the end of the foregoing subsection the words standing in his name. The noble Earl said: This is a consequential Amendment.

Amendment moved— Second Schedule, page 17, line 59, at end insert ("In subsection (2) 'any of' shall be omitted").—(The Earl of Crawford.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Section of Army Act. Modification or Exception.
184A The following subsection shall be inserted after subsection (1):—
"(1A) Where an officer or non-commissioned officer of the Army is a member of a body of His Majesty's military forces acting with any body of His Majesty's Air Force under such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations made by the Army Council and Air Council, then for the purposes of command and discipline and for the purposes of the provisions of this Act relating to superior officers he shall, in relation to such body of His Majesty's Air Force as aforesaid, be treated and have all such powers (other than powers of punishment) as if he were an air force officer or non-commissioned officer, as the case may be."

THE EARL OF CRAWFORD moved to the foregoing subsection the addition of the proviso standing in his name.

Amendment moved— Second Schedule, page 21, line 15, at end insert ("Provided that under regulations made by the Air Council and Army Council, the officers and soldiers of a body of His Majesty's military forces acting with any body of the Air Force on active service, or any of such officers or soldiers, may, in such manner and in such circumstances and subject to such conditions as may be provided by or under those regulations, be made subject to this Act, and in such case they shall be subject thereto in like manner as if they were officers and soldiers attached to the Air Force").—(The Earl of Crawford.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Second Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

Then (Standing Order No. XXXIX having been suspended) Amendments reported; Bill read 3a with the Amendments and passed, and returned to the Commons.