HL Deb 31 July 1917 vol 26 c78

Miscellaneous, No. 12 (1917)—An Agreement between the British and German Governments concerning Combatant and Civilian Prisoners of War:

Treaty Series (1917)—No. 9. Agreement between the United Kingdom and Liberia respecting the Boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia from the River Nakona or Noa in the north to the River Nagowi in the south (with map); London, 19th–26th June, 1917:

Census of England and Wales, 1911—Volume XIII. Fertility of Marriage. Part I:

Light Railways Acts, 1896 and 1912—Orders made, by the Light Railway Commissioners and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, entitled—

The Milford and Saint Bride's Bay

Light Railway Order, 1916;

The West Sussex Light Railway Order, 1915:

Board of Agriculture and Fisheries—Statement in regard to the cost of growing an acre of wheat during the present season compared with the pre-war cost:

Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.

Companies (Winding-up)—Twenty-sixth General Annual Report by the Board of Trade under Section 283 of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908:

Shops Act, 1912—Order made by the Council of the Burgh of Wishaw and confirmed by the Secretary for Scotland:

Metropolis Water Act, 1902—Fourteenth Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board; year ended 31st March, 1917:

Road Board—Seventh Annual Report of the Road Board:

Army—Rules of Procedure, Amendments:

Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.