HL Deb 21 August 1917 vol 26 cc722-3

Clause 9, page 9, after line 38 insert: Provided that in the case of a claim for a notice requiring any grass land to be ploughed the time to be prescribed by the Board shall be such that a claim may be made at any time up to the thirty-first day of December nineteen hundred and twenty-six.

The Commons disagree to this Amendment for the following reason: Because it is unnecessary having regard to the power of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to prescribe times within which claims are to be made varying according to the nature of the case.


The effect of not insisting on our Amendment here will be to leave the period during which claims may be made, in this as in every instance, to be determined by Regulations made by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Moved, That this House do not insist on the said Amendment.—(Viscount Milner.)


I hope that the Government will give us some assurance that the Board of Agriculture will take note of this point in making the Regulations. I understand from what the noble Viscount has said that it will be in the power of the Board of Agriculture to give such extended time if it chooses?


So I understand.


The Government know my views on what I call the ploughing policy, but it would be very wrong if they left out of sight the possibility that Parliament may alter these prices in future. The prices may fall or they may be withdrawn. I say, God forbid! But those things are possible. It cannot be ascertained until after the withdrawal of the prices what the effect will be, and before that very grave injustice may be done.


With regard to the substitution of Regulations for statutory enactment, I do not recollect in the complicated provisions of this Bill whether the Regulations made are to be laid on the Table of both Houses of Parliament.

