HL Deb 21 August 1917 vol 26 c720

Clause 9, page 9, line 21, after (" land ") insert (" and such notice shall be given not less than six months previous to the determination, of the occupation by the Board, and shall expire on one of the half-yearly days customary in the district where the land is situate ").

The Commons agree to this Amendment with the following Amendments:

Leave out (" six ") in line 2 and insert (" three "), and leave out (" determination of the occupation ") in lines 2 and 3 and insert (" withdrawal ").

Moved, That this House do agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Viscount Milner.)


I cannot help calling attention to this. For many years the accusation has been that the tyrannical landlord has never given his tenant sufficient time in which to wind up his affairs when he gave him notice. The consequence of that accusation was that. Parliament eventually passed an Act by which one year was the least time for notice under an agricultural tenancy. Now that the Government become what I contend is the occupier, sec the advantage they are to have. The Board of Agriculture can give only three months notice, instead of the six mouths which your Lordships put in when the Bill was before us in Commit tee.