HL Deb 04 July 1916 vol 22 cc510-1

Miscellaneous, No. 21 (1916)—Further Correspondence respecting the conditions of diet and nutrition in the Internment Camp at Ruhleben (in continuation of "Miscellaneous, No. 18 (1916)" [Cd. 8259]):

Coal Shipments—Tables giving details as to shipments of coal abroad, coastwise, and as bunkers, from each port of the United Kingdom, for each of the years 1914 and 1915:

National Relief Fund—Report to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales by the Executive Committee of the National Relief Fund, on the administration of the Fund, up to 31st March, 1916:

Trade—Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions, for 1915, compared with the four preceding years. Volume I:

Australia—Report on the Trade of Australia for the year 1915, by Mr. G. T. Milne (His Majesty's Trade Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia):

Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.

Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act, 1909—Draft Order of the Local Government Board approving, with modifications, the Chesterfield (Chester Street Area) Town Planning Scheme:

Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions Act, 1865—Four Orders in Council, dated 27th June, 1916, made under the Act:

Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890—Two Orders in Council, dated 27th June, 1916, made under the Act:

Greenwich Hospital Act, 1865—Order in Council, dated 27th June, 1916, approving a Memorial of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty praying sanction to increased salary to the Superintendent of the Royal Hospital School, Greenwich:

Shops Act, 1912—Order made by the Urban District Council of Bedlingtonshire and confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department affecting a certain class of shops within the said Urban District:

Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.

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