§ And afterwards His Majesty's most gracious Speech was delivered to both Houses of Parliament by the Lord Chancellor (in pursuance of His Majesty's Command) as followeth—
§ "My Lords, and Gentlemen,
§ "For eighteen months My Navy and Army have been engaged, in concert with brave and steadfast Allies, in defending our common liberties and the public law of Europe against the unprovoked encroachments of the enemy. I am sustained by the determination of My people at home and overseas to carry our flag to a final and decisive victory.
§ "Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
§ "I thank you for the ungrudging liberality with which you have made prevision for the heavy demands of the War.
§ "My Lords, and Gentlemen,
§ "In this struggle, forced upon us by those who hold in light esteem the liberties and covenants which we regard as sacred, we shall not lay down our arias until we have vindicated the cause which carries with it the future of civilisation.
§ "I rely with confidence upon the loyal and united efforts of all My subjects, which have never failed Me, and I pray that Almighty God may give us His blessing."
§ Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read.
§ After which the LORD CHANCELLOR said:
§ MY LORDS, AND GENTLEMEN,—By virtue of His Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, and now read, we do, in His Majesty's Name and in obedience to His Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Tuesday the Fifteenth day of February One thousand nine hundred and sixteen, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday the Fifteenth day of February One thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
§ End of the Fifth Session of the Thirtieth Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in the sixth year of the Reign of His Majesty King George V.