§ Trade Reports (Annual Series)—
- No. 5473. Muscat (Muscat, 1913–1914);
- No. 5474. Egypt (Port Said, 1914);
- No. 5475. United States (Porto Rico, year ended 30th June 1914);
- No. 5476. Chile (Antofagasta and Atacama, 1914);
- No. 5477. Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic, 1914);
- No. 5478. Japan (Hakodate, 1914);
- No. 5479. China (Shasi, 1914);
- No. 5480. China (Shanghai, 1914):
§ Congested Districts Board (Ireland)—Report of the Board for the year ended 31st March 1915:
§ Judicial Statistics (Ireland), 1914—Part I. Criminal Statistics.
§ India (Military)—Despatches regarding Operations in the Persian Gulf and in Mesopotamia:
§ Board of Agriculture and Fisheries—
- 1. Annual Report of Proceedings under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Acts, &c., &c., for the year 1914;
- 2. Regulations for Grants in Aid of Agricultural Education and Research in England and Wales, 1916–1917:
§ South Africa—Report to the Board of Trade on the Trade of the Union of South Africa (and Rhodesia) for the year 1914. By Mr. H. E. Gauntlett, in charge of the Office of His Majesty's Trade Commissioner for South Africa:
928§ Workmen's Compensation—Statistics of Compensation and of Proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1914:
§ Queenstown Harbour—Report from the Committee appointed by the Postmaster-General to consider the omission of the call at Queenstown on the American Mail Service; together with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices and a chart of Queenstown Harbour:
§ Merchant Shipping (Subdivision of Ships)—Second Report of the Committee appointed by the President of the Board of Trade to consider and report on the Subdivision of Merchant Ships (Home Trade Passenger Steamers, Cargo Steamers). (In continuation of [Cd. 7743]):
§ Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.
§ Diseases of Animals Acts, 1891–1914—Order, No. 9519, dated 21st September 1915, postponing the operation of the two Orders described thereto until 4th October 1915:
- 1. Order by the Secretary for Scotland, dated 24th September 1915, under the Act, affecting a certain class of shops in the Burgh of Dundee;
- 2. Order made by the Council of the County of Cardigan and confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, affecting certain classes of shops within specified areas within the County:
§ Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, 1877 and 1907—Orders numbered—
- 1. D.I.P. 241, dated 11th September 1915, declaring an area described in the Schedule thereto to be infected with American Gooseberry Mildew and an infected area for the purposes of the American Gooseberry Mildew (Infected Areas) Order of 1915;
- 2. D.I.P. 242, dated 11th September 1915, declaring an area described in the Schedule thereto to be infected with Wart Disease and an infected area for the purposes of the Wart Disease of Potatoes (Infected Areas) Order of 1914:
§ Supreme Court of Judicature (Accounts)—Account of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Paymaster-General on behalf of the Supreme Court of Judicature in respect of the funds of suitors of the Court in the year ended 28th February 1915; also Account of the National Debt Commissioners for the same period in respect of funds held by them on behalf of the Supreme Court of Judicature; together with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon:
§ Church Temporalities (Ireland)—Accounts of the Irish Land Commission in respect of Church Temporalities in Ireland from 1st April 1914 and from 26th July 1869 (the date of the Irish Church Act) to 31st March 1915; together with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon:
§ Public Records (High Court of Justice, &c.)—Schedule containing a list and particulars of classes of documents existing or accruing in Instance Causes in the High Court of Justice, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division (Admiralty), formerly the High Court of Admiralty, since the taking effect of the Admiralty Court Rules, 1859, deposited in the Public Record Office or in the Admiralty Registry, and not considered of sufficient public value to justify their preservation therein:
§ Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, 1890 and 1913—Order in Council, dated the 24th September 1915, applying Section 20 of the Finance Act, 1894, to the Territory of Weihaiwei:
§ Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1877—
- 1. Statutes made by the Governing Body of Queen's College, Oxford, on 11th November 1914 and 19th June 1915 (and sealed on 19th June 1915), amending (a) Statute Tit. I Clauses 3 and 7, and Statute Tit. XVI Clauses 1, 3, and 4; and (b) Statute Tit. II, Clause 11, of the Statutes of the College;
- 2. Statute made by the Governing Body of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, on 12th June 1915 (and sealed on 18th June 1915) amending Clause 13 (b) of the Statutes of the College:
§ Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.