§ LORD STRACHIE had the following Question on the Paper:—
§ To ask the Secretary of State for War whether the result of the Zeppelin raids on London last week were not a proof that anti-aircraft guns are of little use against aerial attack; and whether the establishment of a landing place for 805 our aircraft on the south side of Hyde Park is not desirable, so that we might follow the methods adopted so successfully in Paris by patrolling regularly the London skies and by posting other aircraft in Hyde Park in readiness to fly should the approach of Zeppelins be signalled.
§ The noble Lord said: My Lords, just before I came down to the House, this afternoon the noble Duke the Civil Lord of the Admiralty asked me to postpone this Question. I quite understand the reasons for this request, because from the announcement which we have seen in the newspapers to-day it is evident that the Department which the noble Duke represents is going to reorganise the whole of its preparations and precautions in this matter. I hope that. when the noble Duke is in a position to make his statement he will be able to answer the suppositions contained in my Question—namely, that up to the present the uselessness of antiaircraft guns has been demonstrated, together with the need of a landing station and a jumping-off station in the centre of London, copying what has been done in Paris. The noble Duke is, of course, aware that for some time Paris has been, owing to the precautions there taken, entirely free from air raids; and it is to be hoped that the noble Duke will be able to inform your Lordships that similar precautions here are about to be taken—though late, better late than never—by the Admiralty.
§ THE CIVIL LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY (THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE)My Lords, I am much obliged to the noble Lord for agreeing to postpone his Question. I am unable now definitely to promise any statement on the subject. I am, however, aware of the keenness that exists to know full details on this subject, and if it, is possible later I shall be glad on behalf of the Admiralty to make a full statement. It may be some time before any such statement can be made, but as soon as I am in a position to do so I shall be glad to place what facts I can before the House.
§ LORD STRACHIEPerhaps the noble Duke will communicate with me when he considers it convenient that the Question should be again put down.