HL Deb 20 October 1915 vol 19 cc1074-6

Trade Reports (Annual Series)—

Colonies (Annual)—

Australia—Report to the Board of Trade on the Trade of Australia, for the year 1914, by This Majesty's Trade Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia (Mr. G. T. Milne):

New Zealand—Report on the Trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1914, by Mr. W. G. Wickham (His Majesty's Trade Commissioner for New Zealand):

Rocket Life-Saving Apparatus—Report by the Board of Trade on the Life-Saving Apparatus on the coasts of the United Kingdom for the year ended 30th June 1915:

Reformatory and Industrial Schools—Fifty-eighth Report for the year 1914 of the Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Great Britain:

Reformatory and Industrial School (Ireland)—Fifty-third Report of the Inspector for the year ended 31st December 1914:

Irish Land Commission—Return of Advances made under the Irish Land Purchase Acts during the month of February 1915:

India (Sanitary Measures)—Report on Sanitary Measures in India in 1913–1914. Volume XLVII.

Presented (by command) and ordered to lie On the Table.

National Insurance Acts—The National Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) Regulations (Scotland) 1915, dated 8th October 1915:

Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1877—Statute made by the Governing Body of St. John's College, Oxford, on the 2nd July 1915 (and sealed on the 5th July 1915) amending Statute XVII of the Statutes of the College, by adding after Clause 9 thereof a new Clause numbered 10:

Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890—Order in Council, dated the 14th October 1915, entitled the Eastern African Protectorates (Appeal to Privy Council) Amendment Order in Council (No. 2), 1915:

Merchant Shipping Act, 1894— Two Orders in Council, dated the 14th October 1915, made under the Act:

Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions Act, 1865—Four Orders in Council, dated the 14th October 1915, made under the Act:

Dockyard Ports Regulation Act, 1865—Order in Council, dated the 14th October 1915, constituting the Dockyard Ports of Plymouth and Devonport, and repealing the Orders in Council, dated the 11th October 1912 and the 9th February 1911:

Children Act, 1908 (Grant to Day Industrial Schools, Scotland )—Recommendatio of the Secretary for Scotland as to Parliamentary Grant to Certified Day Industrial Schools in Scotland:

Shops Act, 1912

  1. 1. Order by the Secretary for Scotland, dated 15th October 1915, under the Act, affecting certain classes of shops in the City of Edinburgh;
  2. 1076
  3. 2. Orders made by the under-mentioned Councils and confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, affecting certain classes of shops within their respective areas—
    1. I. County of London (portion of the County of London south of the River Thames);
    2. II. County of Worcester (Urban Districts of Lye and Wollescote) (2 Orders):

Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, 1877 and 1907—Orders, numbered D.I.P. 248–254, inclusive, dated 9th October 1915, declaring the areas described in the Schedules thereto to be infected areas for the purposes of the Wart Disease of Potatoes (Infected Areas) Order of 1914:

Post Office, Foreign and Colonial Post (except Parcels)—The Foreign and Colonial Post Amendment (No. 13) Warrant, 1915, dated 30th June 1915:

Lunacy—Return to the Lord Chancellor of the number of visits made and the number of patients detained under the provisions of the Lunacy Acts, 1890 to 1911, seen by the several Commissioners during the six months ended on the 30th June 1915:

Foreshores—Treasury Minute, dated 12th October 1915, directing the application of moneys received by the Board of Trade in the year ended 31st March 1915, in respect of the rights and interests of the Crown in the Foreshores of the United Kingdom:

Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.