HL Deb 11 November 1915 vol 20 c281

Rental of Small Dwelling-Houses in Industrial Districts in Scotland—Report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary for Scotland to enquire into the circumstances connected with the alleged recent increases in the rental of small dwellinghouses in industrial districts in Scotland:

Clerical and Commercial Employments (Departmental Committee)—Report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to consider the conditions of clerical and commercial employment with a view to advising what steps should be taken, by the employment of women or otherwise, to replace men withdrawn for service in the military forces:

National Health Insurance—The County Borough of East Ham (Insurance Committee) Amendment Order, 1915, dated 5th November, 1915:

Board of Agriculture and Fisheries—Agricultural Statistics, 1914, Vol. XLIX, Part III. Prices and Supplies of Corn, Live Stock, and other Agricultural Produce in England and Wales:

Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.

Penal Servitude Acts, 1853 to 1891 (Conditional Licence)—Licence granted to Joshua Waldron under the Acts, to which is annexed a condition other than those contained in Schedule A of the Penal Servitude Act, 1864. Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.