HL Deb 16 March 1915 vol 18 c803

Returned from the Commons with one of the Amendments agreed to and one of the Amendments disagreed to, and with an Amendment in lieu thereof.


My Lords, the Amendment which has been disagreed to in another place is the one which was inserted by your Lordships on the Motion of the most rev. Primate—namely: Provided that in England no marriage after banns published or an episcopal licence granted in England shall be solemnised elsewhere than in a church or chapel of the Church of England in which marriages may lawfully be solemnised. The Amendment which the Commons propose in lieu thereof runs as follows: Provided that where, apart from the above provision, the marriage would not have been solemnised elsewhere than in a place of worship of a particular denomination, nothing in such provision shall be construed as authorising the solemnisation of the marriage elsewhere than in such place of worship. I believe this Amendment secures all that the most rev. Primate desires, and it puts into more general language what he proposed as applying to the Church of England only.


My Lords, I recognise the courteous consideration which has been given by the Admiralty to this matter. The Amendment as now drafted by the Admiralty entirely meets the point I desired to raise.

On Question, the Commons Amendment agreed to, and the Lords Amendment to which the Commons disagreed not insisted on.