HL Deb 11 March 1915 vol 18 c666

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, this is a small Bill the object of which is to give statutory effect to an arrangement by which 200 constables and 16 officers of the Royal Irish Constabulary have, with the consent of the Police authorities, volunteered and been accepted for service with the Colours during the present war. A certain number of the arrangements necessary are possible by Order in Council; but apart from the fact that it is not desirable to do too much by Order in Council there are some small details which cannot be effected in that way, and in order to regularise the position we are anxious to pass this Bill into law.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a.—(Earl Beauchamp.)

On Question, Bill read 2a, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.