HL Deb 10 March 1915 vol 18 cc663-4

Perhaps the noble Marquess opposite would, for the convenience of the House, tell us what he proposes with regard to sittings during the next few days.


My Lords, my noble and learned friend on the Woolsack has explained the unfortunate incident whereby we find ourselves possessed of a Defence of the Realm Bill which has not passed through another place, and not in possession of one that has. He has explained, therefore, that the sitting tomorrow will, at any rate in part with any other necessary business, be given up to the discussion of that Bill. We shall he able then to judge whether it is necessary to hold a sitting on Friday, which I hope will not be required. I should propose that the House should meet on Monday at the usual hour for the dis- cussion of the other Defence of the Realm Bill and any other business that may come before us by then. I understand that on Tuesday either the noble Marquess opposite or one of his colleagues wishes to raise a discussion upon an Indian matter which has already been mentioned in your Lordships' House—namely, a discussion of a Paper which is now on the Table explaining the desire of the Government of India to appoint an Executive Council for the United Provinces there. That will, I understand, be a discussion which would be likely to interest noble Lords who have been concerned with Indian affairs. Provided, as I hope will be the case, that no other business of immediate moment comes before the House, I should hope that on Tuesday evening we should be able to rise for the Easter holiday.

House adjourned at twenty minutes before Six o'clock, till To-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.