HL Deb 24 June 1915 vol 19 cc137-8

Navy (Supplementary Estimate, 1915–1916)—An estimate of the additional number of Officers and men required to be voted for the Navy for the year ending 31st March 1916: Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.

India (Loans raised in India)—Return of all loans raised in India chargeable on the revenues of India, outstanding at the commencement of the half-year ended 31st March 1915, &c.:

Finance—Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year 1914–1915, ended 31st March 1915:

Post Office (Foreign and Colonial Parcel Post, Canary Islands)—The Foreign and Colonial Parcel Post Amendment (No. 71) Warrant, 1915, dated 11th May 1915:

Electric Lighting Acts, 1882–1909 (Proceedings)—Report by the Board of Trade respecting the applications to and the proceedings of the Board under the said Acts during the past year:

Shops Act, 1912—Orders made by the following Councils and confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, affecting certain classes of shops within their respective areas—

  1. 1. Cornwall County Council (Troon Village);
  2. 2. Glamorgan County Council (Parishes of Pyle and Tythegston Higher);
  3. 3. Tottenham Urban District Council (Tottenham (remainder) area of Tottenham Urban District):

Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.