§ The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the, House that the following Papers, having been commanded to be presented to this House by His Majesty, had been so presented on the following elates by delivery to the Clerk of the Parliaments, pursuant to Standing Order No. 101, viz.:
- 1. Census of England and Wales, 1911—Summary Tables. Area, families or separate occupiers, and population; also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, tenements, birthplaces, and infirmities. (May 21);
- 2. Board of Education—
- I. (Public Education in Wales)—Statistics of Public Education in Wales (with Monmouthshire). Part I. Educational Statistics, 1912–1913. (May 26);
- II. (School Attendance and Employment in Agriculture)—Summary of Returns supplied by County Local Education Authorities between 1st September 1914 and 30th April 1915. (May 29);
- III. (Regulations, Day Nurseries, 1915)—Regulations under which grants are payable by the Board of Education to Day Nurseries in England and Wales. (In force from 1st April 1915). (May 31);
- IV. Report of the Board for the year 1913–1914. (June 1);
- 3. Dominions (Royal Commission)—Royal Commission on the Natural Resources, Trade, and Legislation of certain portions of His Majesty's Dominions. Minutes of Evidence taken in Newfoundland in 1914. (May 26);
- 4. Light Railways Acts, 1896 and 1912—Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, entitled the Hutton Magna Light Railway Order, 1915. (May 27);
- 5. National Insurance Acts—
- I. Order, dated 25th May 1915, made by the National Health Insurance Commissioners under Section 2 of the Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 3) Act, 1914, entitled the County Borough of Wakefield (Insurance Committee) Amendment Order, 1915;
- II. Order, dated 25th May, 1915, made by the National Health Insurance Commissioners, entitled the County Borough of Darlington (Insurance Committee) Amendment Order, 1915. (May 28);
- 6. Colonies (Annual)—No. 841. Leeward Islands (Report for 1913–1914). (May 29);
- 7. Public Services in India (Royal Commission)—Appendix to the Report of the Commissioners. Minutes of Evidence relating to certain Departments. Volumes XII and XV. (May 29);
- 8. Prisons (Scotland) Act, 1877—Thirty-seventh Annual Report of the Prison Commissioners for Scotland, being the Seventy-sixth Annual Report on Prisons in Scotland. (May 31);
- 9. Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland)—Fifty-ninth Annual Report of the Registrar-General for Scotland, 1913. (June 1):
§ The same were ordered to lie on the Table.
§ Evictions (Ireland)—Return of evictions in Ireland, for the quarter ended 31st March 1915:
§ Ireland, Development Grant Act, 1903—Report by the Lord Lieutenant of all his proceedings under the Act for the financial year ended 31st March 1915:
4§ Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (Annual Report. of the Commercial Control Branch)—Proceedings under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907, the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1894, the Board of Agriculture Act, 1889 (section 2, subsection 3), and the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Act, 1903 (section 1, subsection 3), for the year 1914:
§ Coal Mining Organisation (Departmental Committee)—Report of Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to inquire into the conditions prevailing in the coalmining industry due to the War. Part I. Report:
§ Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.
§ Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, 1877 and 1907—
- 1. Order, numbered D.I.P. 172, dated 15th May 1915, entitled the American Gooseberry Mildew (Fruit) Order, 1915;
- 2. Order, numbered D.I.P. 173, dated 21st May 1915, entitled the American Gooseberry Mildew (Kent) Order, 1915:
§ Board of Education—Report of the Board under the Welsh Intermediate Education Acts, 1889, for the year 1914:
§ Arklow Harbour—Report of the Arklow Harbour Commissioners and Abstract of Accounts for 1914:
§ County Courts—Rule as to applications for Certificates under the Army Act., 1881, section 115, subsection 4, and the Acts amending the same, and the Naval Billeting, &c. Act, 1914:
§ National Insurance Act, 1911 (Part II.) Account—Account showing the nature and amount of the Securities held by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt at 31st March 1915 as Investments for Moneys, forming part of the Unemployment Fund paid over to them by the Board of Trade under section 92 (3) of the National Insurance Act, 1911:
5§ National Insurance Acts—Regulations and Provisional Regulations entitled—
- 1. The National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Amendment Regulations (Scotland), 1915 (dated 19th May 1915);
- 2. The National Health Insurance (Navy and Army) Regulations (Scotland) (No.1), 1915 (dated 20th May 1915);
- 3. The National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Amendment Regulations (Wales), 1915 (dated 21st May 1915);
- 4. The National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Amendment Regulations, 1915 (dated 19th May 1915);
- 5. The National Health Insurance (Navy and Army) Provisional Regulations (No.2), 1915 (dated 28th May 1915):
§ Fines, &c. (Ireland)—Abstract of Accounts of Fines accounted for by the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks for the year 1913:
§ Dogs' Regulation Act (Ireland), 1865—Accounts of the Receipts and Expenditure under the Act, for the year 1914:
§ Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.