HL Deb 28 July 1915 vol 19 cc739-40

Colonies (Annual)—No. 850. Gibraltar (Report for 1914).

Boy Labour in the Post Office—Fifth Annual Report of the Standing Committee:

India (Trade)—Tables relating to the Trade of British India with the British Empire and Foreign Countries, 1909–1910 to 1913–1914:

Board of Agriculture and Fisheries—

  1. 1. Annual Report on the Administration of the Grant for the Encouragement and Improvement of the Live-Stock Breeding Industry for the year 1914–1915 (1st April 1914–31st March 1915);
  2. 2. Report of Proceedings at the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of Representatives of Authorities under the Sea Fisheries Regulation Act, 1888 (Tuesday, 22nd June 1915):

Shipping Casualties—

  1. 1. (Loss of the steamship "Falaba")—Report of a formal investigation into the circumstances attending the foundering on 28th March of the steamship "Falaba," of Liverpool, in or near latitude 51° 30' N., longitude 6° 36' W., whereby loss of life ensued;
  2. 740
  3. 2. (Loss of the steamship "Lusitania")—Report of a formal investigation into the circumstances attending the foundering on 7th May 1915 of the British steamship "Lusitania," of Liverpool, after being torpedoed off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland:

Trade Reports (Annual Series)—

No. 5450. Persia (Province of Arabistan, year ended 20th March 1914);

No. 5451. Brazil (Trade of Brazil, years 1912–1913):

Presented (by command) and ordered to lie on the Table.

County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877—Account of Receipts and Payments under the Act during the year ended 31st March 1915:

Clergy (West Indies)—Return of the amount payable on 5th January 1915 out of the Consolidated Fund for Ecclesiastical Purposes in the West Indies:

Shops Act, 1912—Orders made by the following Councils and confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department affecting certain classes of shops within their respective areas—

  1. 1. Council of County Palatine of Chester (Urban District of Ellesmere Port and Whitby);
  2. 2. Council of County Borough of Sunderland (County Borough of Sunderland):

Laid before the House (pursuant to Act) and ordered to lie on the Table.