HL Deb 15 July 1915 vol 19 cc433-5

Read 3a (according to Order).

Amendments moved—

Clause 4, page 8, line 28, leave out ("Base") and insert ("Establishment")

Clause 4, page 9, line 10, leave out from ("Queensferry") to the end of the clause and insert: Provided that the new Tramways Nos. 6 7 and 8 shall not be constructed except with the consent in writing of the Admiralty: Provided further that subject to the consent aforesaid the new Tramways Nos. 14 and 6 and the Tramways Nos. 13 and 13A authorised by the Order of 1906 shall be constructed and opened for public traffic by the Company within eighteen months from the date on which the treasury has given the consent required by the section of this Order whereof the marginal note is "Company not to raise or borrow money during the continuance of war." The Company shall unless otherwise agreed between the Company and the Admiralty apply for the said consent of the Treasury on or before the thirty-first day of December one thousand nine hundred and fifteen and in the event of such consent being refused the Company shall renew their application to the Treasury within a period of twelve months after the date of any such refusal: Provided also that if such consent is not given before the expiration of a period of twelve months from the termination of the present war then the said period of eighteen mouths shall commence to run from the expiration of the said period of twelve months.

Clause 5, page 9, line 36, after ("authority") insert ("and in the case of the new Tramway No. 4 with the consent also of the Local Government Board for Scotland and in the case of the new Tramways Nos. 5 and 6 with the consent also of the Admiralty").

After clause 8 insert as a new clause:

For protection of Admiralty.

. For the protection of the Admiralty the following provisions shall except so far as may be otherwise agreed between the Admiralty and the Company have effect—

(1) The Company shall be entitled to construct the new Tramway No. 6 along the Castle Road on a ballast track to the reasonable satisfaction of the Admiralty:

(2) The Company shall at their own expense to the reasonable satisfaction of the Admiralty maintain and keep in good order the roadway of the new Tramway No. 5 where such tramway is not situate upon a public road and the new Tramway No. 6 between the rails and on either side thereof to the line of the tramway poles if such poles are placed on either side of the portion of road set apart for tramway purposes and in any case to not less than a total width of between the rails and five feet beyond each of the outer rails of such tramways:

(3) In so far as not inconsistent with the method of construction of the new Tramways Nos. 4 5 6 7 and 8 (hereinafter in this section referred to as "the said tramways") the provisions of subsection (8) of the section of this Order whereof the marginal note is "For protection of Corporation of Dunfermline" shall be fulfilled by the Company to the reasonable satisfaction of the Admiralty:

(4) The Admiralty shall be entitled to construct and repair drains sewers water pipes electric mains and cables and telegraph and telephone wires under or over the said tramways on their property Provided that in the execution of any such works they shall not interfere with the working of the tramways or the traffic thereon more than may be reasonably necessary Provided further that if any portion of the said property shall before or after the commencement of this Order be conveyed to the Local Government Board for Scotland the provisions of this subsection and of the immediately succeeding subsection shall ensure for the benefit of that Board in respect or such portion:

(5) The Company shall allow their standards and poles on the new Tramways Nos. 4 and 6 to be used by the Admiralty for attaching thereto electric lights and electric telegraph and telephone wires provided that the same shall not interfere with or restrict the use of the standards and poles for tramway purposes:

(6)—(i) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Orders of 1906 to 1915 the Company shall—

  1. (A) Convey passengers from or to the termination of the new Tramway No. 6 at the Dockyard of Rosyth to or from the commencement of the new Tramway No. 4 at Queensferry Road for a fare of one penny for each passenger and from or to the said termination of the new Tramway No. 6 to or from the junction of High Street and New Row Dunfermline for a fare of threepence for each passenger; and
  2. (B) Convey workmen employed at the Rosyth Naval Establishment to or from the said termination of the new Tramway No. 6 from or to the junction of High Street and New Row for a fare of three half-pence for each workman going to or returning from work at the Naval Establishment and shall issue to any such workman applying therefor a ticket or tickets available on the day of issue 435 only entitling such workman to travel once both ways between the dockyard gate at or near the termination of the new Tramway No. 6 and the commencement of the new Tramway No. 4 for a return fare of one penny:

(ii) In the event of the fares which the Company are by the Orders of 1906 to 1915 authorised to demand and take for the conveyance of passengers on the tramways being increased under statutory authority the fares hereinbefore in this subsection prescribed shall be increased proportionately:

(7) In addition to the service of carriages for artisans mechanics and daily labourers prescribed by section 48 (i) of the Order of 1906 the Company shall run such a service of carriages for the purpose of conveying on the tramways workmen employed at the Rosyth Naval Establishment to and from their mid-day meal as may be agreed upon between the Company and the Admiralty Provided that the Company shall not be required to provide a service of carriages under this subsection on Sundays New Year's Day and general holidays:

(8) Any dispute or difference arising between the Company and the Admiralty under this section shall be referred to and determined by an arbiter to be agreed on by the Company and the Admiralty or failing agreement an arbiter to be appointed by the Board of Trade on the application of either party.—(Lord Stanmore.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.

Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.