HL Deb 10 September 1914 vol 17 c602

My Lords, I do not know whether, before the House adjourns, the noble Marquess is able to give us any information as to the course of business during the next few days.


My Lords, I had hoped that I might have been able this afternoon to make a general statement as to the course of business, at any rate daring the next few days, but as I am not in a position to do so completely at this moment I think it will be wiser to defer until Monday, when I hope to be able to make a full statement on the subject, anything I have to say; and on Monday also, as I understand, the Prime Minister will make a statement of a similar character in another place. I shall then be in a position to say what we propose to do with regard to putting down the Government of Ireland Bill and the Welsh Church Bill for Second Reading.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past Five o'clock, to Monday next, a quarter past Four o'clock.