HL Deb 11 November 1914 vol 18 cc1-2

THE KING being seated on the Throne, and the Commons being at the Bar with their Speaker, His Majesty was pleased to make a most vicious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, and then retired.

His Majesty's Speech was as follows:—

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"The energies and sympathies of My subjects in every part of the Empire are concentrated on the prosecution to a victorious issue of the War on which we are engaged. I have summoned you now in order that sharing, as I am aware you do, My conviction that this is a duty of paramount and supreme importance, you should take whatever steps are needed for it sadequate discharge.

"Since I last addressed you, the area of the War has been enlarged by the participation in the struggle of the Ottoman Empire. In conjunction with My Allies, and in spite of repeated and continuous provocations, strove to preserve, in regard to Turkey, a friendly neutrality. Bad counsels, and alien influences, have driven her into a policy of wanton and defiant aggression, and a state of war now exists between us. My Mussulman subjects know well that a rupture with Turkey has been forced upon Me against My will, and I recognise with appreciation and gratitude the proofs which they have hastened to give, of their loyal devotion and support.

"My Navy and Army continue, throughout the area of conflict, to maintain in full measure their glorious traditions. We watch and follow their steadfastness and valour with thankfulness and pride, and there is, throughout My Empire, a fixed determination to secure, at whatever sacrifice, the triumph of our arms, and the vindication of our cause.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"You will be asked to make due financial provision for the effective conduct of the War.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"The only measures which will be submitted to you, at this stage of the Session, are such as seem necessary to My advisers for the attainment of the great purpose upon which the efforts of the Empire are set.

"I confidently commend them to your patriotism and loyalty, and I pray that the Almighty will give His blessing to your counsels."

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.