HL Deb 27 February 1914 vol 15 cc353-4

Petition of Henry Ferrers Ferrers, of Pentre Leylin Hall, in the County of Salop, to His Majesty, praying His Majesty to determine in his favour the abeyance now existing in some one of the Baronies of Ferrers, Bourchier and Compton, and to be graciously pleased to direct that a Writ of Summons to Parliament may be issued to the Petitioner; together with His Majesty's reference thereof to this House, and the report of the Attorney-General thereon thereunto annexed: Presented (by command); read, and referred to the Committee for Privileges to consider and report.

Petition of Charles Vere Townshend Mainwaring - Ellerker - Onslow to His Majesty, praying His Majesty to determine in his favour the abeyance now existing in some one of the Baronies of Ferrers, Bourchier and Compton, and to be graciously pleased to direct that a Writ of Summons to Parliament may be issued to the Petitioner; together with His Majesty's reference thereof to this House, and the report of the Attorney-General thereon there unto annexed; Presented (by command); read, and referred to the Committee of Privileges to consider and report.