HL Deb 08 August 1914 vol 17 c477

My Lords, I wish to ask the noble Earl who represents the Board of Trade a Question of which I have given him private notice—namely, whether he will take into consideration, and if possible stop, the action of the Customs Department in preventing the export of salt. I have had representations from Liverpool which make it quite clear that the action of the Customs Department is unnecessary. As a matter of fact, Germany manufactures in excess and exports salt, so that there is no necessity for her to import it; and by the stopping of the export of salt from this country a great number of men would be thrown out of employment. I hope, therefore, that the Board of Trade will consider whether it is not possible to rescind the order prohibiting the exportation of salt.


My Lords, I will take steps at Once to lay before my right hon. friend the President of the Board of Trade the point raised by the noble Earl. The matter appears to be a serious one and o require immediate attention, and if the noble Earl will give me the papers connected with it I will communicate with the President of the Board of Trade and let him know the result as soon as possible.