HL Deb 18 July 1913 vol 14 cc1110-2

Petition of the Right Honourable Leila Georgina, Viscountess Gage, as his next friend for and on behalf of her son, Sir Henry Rainald, Viscount Gage, of Castle Island, co. Kerry; Baron Gage, of Castle-bar, co. Mayo, both in the Peerage of Ireland; Baron Gage, of High Meadow, co. Gloucester, in the Peerage of Great Britain, and a Baronet; at present an infant, to His Majesty praying His Majesty to determine the abeyances now existing in the Baronies of Dynaunt, Fitzwaryn and Martin, in favour of the said Henry Rainald, Viscount Gage, and of Sir Robert Bourchier Sherard Wrey; and that His Majesty will be graciously pleased to determine the abeyances now existing in the said Barony of Dynaunt and in the said Barony of Martin in favour of the said Henry Rainald, Viscount Gage, one of the coheirs of the said Baronies, and will admit him to the full enjoyment of the said Baronies, together with the rights, privileges, pre-eminences, immunities, and advantages, and the place and precedence due and belonging thereto, to hold the same to him and the heirs of the body, lawfully begotten and to be begotten for ever, of his father, the said Henry Charles, Viscount Gage, now deceased, and late the Petitioner in this matter, and will cause to be issued Letters Patent under the Great Seal determining the several abeyances, and confirming the said Baronies to the said Henry Rainald, Viscount Gage, and the heirs of the body of his said father, Henry Charles, Viscount Gage, now deceased; also that His Majesty will be graciously pleased to determine the abeyance now existing in the said Barony of Fitzwaryn in favour of the said Sir Robert Bourchier Sherard Wrey, Bart., a coheir to an entire moiety of the said Barony, and will admit the said Sir Robert Bourchier Sherard Wrey, Bart., to the full enjoyment of the said Barony, together with the rights, privileges, pre-eminences, immunities and advantages, and the place and precedence due and belonging thereto, to hold the same to him and the heirs of his body, lawfully begotten and to be begotten for ever, and will summon the said Sir Robert Bourchier Sherard Wrey to His Majesty's High Court of Parliament as Lord Fitzwaryn; or in default of such action, that His Majesty will be pleased to determine the abeyance as aforesaid in favour of the said Henry Rainald, Viscount Gage; and also that His Majesty will be graciously pleased to allow the name of Henry Rainald, now Viscount Gage, to be substituted for that of Henry Charles, late Viscount Gage, in all matters relating and appertaining to the matter of the determination of the abeyances presently existing in the said Baronies of Dynaunt, Fitzwaryn and Martin, and that the said Leila Georgina, Viscountess Gage, for and on behalf of her son Henry Rainald, Viscount Gage, may be empowered and enabled to take advantage of and may be allowed to adopt on her and his own behalf all actions and procedure already taken, had, and done on behalf of or in the name of his father, Henry Charles, Viscount Gage, now deceased; together with His Majesty's reference thereof to this House; and the Attorney-General's report thereon thereunto annexed: Presented (by command); read, and referred to the Committee for Privileges to consider and report.

House adjourned to Monday next, a quarter past Four o'clock.

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