HL Deb 27 February 1912 vol 11 cc245-6

Petition of Messrs. Bircham and Company, of 46, Parliament Street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents, praying for leave to present a Petition of companies, bodies and persons being and representing shipowners trading to and from the Port of London, praying to be heard by Counsel against the Bill, although the time limited by Standing Order No. 92 for presenting such Petition has expired; read, and ordered to lie on the Table, and Standing Order No. 92 to be considered To-morrow, in order to its being dispensed with in respect of the said Petition.

The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House, That the Clerk of the Parliaments had laid upon the Table the Certificates from the Examiners that the further Standing Orders applicable to the following Bills have been complied with:

The same were ordered to lie on the Table.