HL Deb 11 December 1912 vol 13 c159

Report made from the Committee for Privileges—

That the Barony of Furnivall is an ancient Barony in fee:

That it is proved by the Writ of Summons addressed to Thomas de Furnivall in the 23rd year of Edward I and the other evidence adduced on behalf of the Petitioner that the Barony of Furnivall was in the reign of King Edward I vested in Thomas de Furnivall:

That the Barony of Furnivall was vested by descent in Joane, daughter of William, Lord Furnivall, and her husband Thomas Nevill was summoned to Parliament and sat in Parliament as Lord Furnivall:

That the Barony devolved upon her daughter and heir Maude Nevill, whose husband John Talbot was summoned to Parliament and sat in Parliament as a Peer of the Realm:

That John Talbot, Lord Furnivall was created Earl of Shrewsbury and the Barony fell into abeyance at the death of Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury in 1616 between his three daughters, Lady Mary, Countess of Pembroke, Lady Elizabeth, Countess of Kent, and Lady Alathea, Countess of Arundel:

That the last-mentioned Countess of Arundel succeeded to the Barony of Furnivall by the death of her sisters without issue and the Barony devolved in her issue until it fell into abeyance at the death of Edward, Duke of Norfolk in 1777:

That Charles Botolph Joseph, Lord Mowbray Segrave and Stourton, and the Honourable Mary Frances Katherine Petre are the coheirs to the said Barony:

That the Barony of Furnivall is at His Majesty's disposal:

Read, and agreed to; and resolved and adjudged accordingly; and Resolution and Judgment to be laid before His Majesty by the Lords with White Staves.

Ordered that all deeds, documents and papers produced on behalf of the Claimant by her agents, be delivered to the said agents.