§ THE LORD PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL (VISCOUNT MORLEY)My Lords, I purpose submitting a Motion that the House should adjourn from to-day until next Tuesday. I am given to understand; that that will be the arrangement most convenient to most of the members of your Lordships' House. The business for next week will begin on Tuesday with the Committee Stage of the Maritime Conventions Bill. That, ought not and probably will not take very long, and I shall be glad if we can, on Tuesday, follow that with a much more difficult measure, the Copy right Bill, of which I hope we shall obtain the Second Reading on Tuesday if we have time. Then there are three Bills which were held over when the House rose in addition to the Copyright Bill, namely, the Education (Administrative Provisions) Bill, the Pacific Cable Bill, and the Telegraph (Construction) Bill. Those I shall propose to take as early as the convenience of the House will permit.
We have unfortunately lost since we last assembled two members of your Lordships' House, to whom the House as a whole—both sides of it—was greatly attached from long experience of their conduct in this House and out of it—Lord James of Hereford and Lord Onslow. But I think it will be in accord with the feelings of the House if we say what ought to be said, and must be said, about two men so distinguished in our proceedings when public business begins next Tuesday.