HL Deb 15 May 1911 vol 8 cc367-9

My Lords, by permission of the House I should like to make at this stage the Motion which stands in my name on the Paper. It concerns the appointment of a Chairman of Committees. Your Lordships were aware some time ago that Lord Onslow did not feel himself able to go on discharging the duties in the way which he thought essential, and I am quite sure the whole House have recognised for a long time that those duties have been efficiently performed. Lord Onslow's place was very kindly taken for a short time by Lord Balfour of Burleigh, and the term for which he was good enough to say that he was willing to serve has come to an end. After making inquiries, and, of course, after consultation with the noble Marquess, I think that I shall do what is most agreeable to your Lordships in proposing that Lord Donoughmore be appointed Lord Chairman. I believe the House will agree that he will be a very competent, a very assiduous, and an entirely impartial Lord Chairman, and if the noble Marquess opposite associates himself with me in this, I will then make the Motion standing in my name.


My Lords, it gives me much pleasure to second the Motion which the noble Viscount has laid before the House, and I hope I may also be permitted to concur in all that he has said in regard to Lord Onslow's retirement. We have never known a Chairman of Committees more attentive and more assiduous in the performance of his duties or more unsparing of himself; and I believe I am saying what is known to many when I say that Lord Onslow's illness, which we so deeply regret, was certainly aggravated by the manner in which he persevered with his official duties at a time when he really was scarcely fitted for their discharge. I am sure Lord Onslow carries with him into his retirement the cordial good wishes and the sympathy of every member of this House. I also desire to express our agreement with what fell from the noble Viscount as to the debt which we owe to Lord Balfour of Burleigh, who at a moment of difficulty—a moment which might have been extremely embarrassing to us—came forward and placed at the disposal of the House his unrivalled knowledge of Private Bill legislation.

With regard to Lord Donoughmore, I will only say that in my opinion a more fortunate or promising choice could not have been made. Lord Donoughmore has for a good many years past taken a conspicuous part in the business of the House, and I think most of us are satisfied that he possesses in an eminent degree the qualities which are likely to render him a successful Chairman of Committees. I feel little doubt that, whether at this Table in the House or in connection with the heavy business which the Chairman has to transact outside of this Chamber, Lord Donoughmore will be found able to maintain the high traditions of your Lordships' House and of the office which he is about to be invited to take up.


I beg to move the Motion standing in my name.

Moved, That the Viscount Hutchinson (E. Donoughmore) be appointed Chairman of Committees for the remainder of the Session—(Viscount Morley of Blackburn.)

On Question, Motion agreed to nemine dissentience.