§ Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.
§ THE PAYMASTER-GENERAL (LORD ASHBY ST. LEDGERS)My Lords, this Bill is to give effect to a proposal on the part of the Belfast Corporation to increase the salaries of the resident magistrates by £200 a year. The present salary of £675 was fixed in the year 1874, but since then the population has more than doubled; and I may say, moreover, that in Dublin the resident magistrates receive £1,000 a year and upwards. Consequently, this seems a reasonable proposal. That is the object of Clause 1. Clause 2 provides that in future a resident magistrate of Belfast shall be either a barrister of not less than six years standing or a resident magistrate; and Clause 3 extends the jurisdiction of resident magistrates so as to enable one magistrate to be sufficient to form a quorum in dealing with Public Health Acts and other Acts. At present two magistrates are required to be present. This proposal is based upon the precedent existing in Dublin and London, and it applies to other stipendiary magistrates in England. I hope your Lordships will give the Bill a Second Reading.
§ Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a.—(Lord Ashby St. Ledgers.)
§ On Question, Bill read 2a, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Thursday next.