HL Deb 15 August 1911 vol 9 c1094

House in Committee (according to Order).

[The EARL OF DONOUGHMORE in the Chair.]

Clauses 1 to 5 agreed to.

Clause 6:

Proviso that Rosanna Gertrude Watson not to marry Robert M. Fitzsimons.

6. Provided always and be it further enacted that it shall not be lawful for the said Rosanna Gertrude Watson at any time hereafter to contract matrimony with the said Robert M. Fitzsimons but that such matrimony shall be and is hereby declared to be illegal and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever and the child and children born therein shall be illegitimate and subject to all the disabilities privations and restrictions to which any child or children born out of lawful wedlock is or may be subject by the laws and customs of the United Kingdom or any part thereof.


I move that this clause be omitted. It is usually omitted; and I think we might some day or other amend our procedure under which we put a clause into these Bills simply for the purpose of striking it out.

Amendment moved— To omit Clause 6.—(Earl Loreburn.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

The Report of Amendment to be received To-morrow.