HL Deb 14 June 1910 vol 5 cc873-4


Message from the King delivered by the Lord Privy Seal (E. Crewe), and read by the Lord Chancellor, as follows:


"The uncertainty of human life and "a deep sense of my duty to my people "render it incumbent upon me to recommend to you to consider contingencies which may hereafter take "place, and to make such provision as "will, in any event, secure the exercise "of the Royal Authority."

"I shall be prepared to concur with "you in those measures which may "appear best calculated to maintain "unimpaired the power and dignity of "the Crown, and thereby to strengthen "the securities which protect the rights "and liberties of my people."

Ordered, that the said Message be taken into consideration To-morrow.


Message from the King delivered by the Lord Privy Seal (E. Crewe), and read by the Lord Chancellor as follows:


"His Majesty being desirous that "competent provision should be made "for Her Majesty the Queen in the "event of her surviving him, for His "Majesty's younger children in the "event of their respectively attaining "their majority or marrying, and for "the Duchess of Cornwall in the event "of His Royal Highness the Duke of"Cornwall marrying, relies on the attachment of the House of Lords to his "person and family to concur in the"adoption of such measures as may be "suitable to the occasion."