HL Deb 08 June 1910 vol 5 cc833-5

The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that he had received the following Messages of Sympathy on the death of the late King—

I.—" Le conseil de I' Empire de Russie"en sa première séance apres le décès"du Roi Edouard 7 s'associe unani- "mement et de tout cœur á la douleur "qu'eprouve le Royaume-Uni. L'entente "entre les deux pays est devenue un "gage de paix et de prospérité. Vénérant "la mémoire de celui qui y contribua "puissamnient le conseil de I'Empire "tient á exprimer á la Chambre des "Pairs ses sentiments de sympathie "émue.



II.—"La perte cruelle de sa majesié "Edward 7 a profoundément attristé le"Medjlis qui me charge de transmettre "á la Chambre des Lords l'expression "de sa douloureuse sympathie en cette "occasion de grande épreuve pour la "nation britannique.

"Le President du Medjlis,


III—"La Chambre des Pairs du "Royaume du Portugal piésente à"votre excellence et à la Chambre des "Lords ses plus sincères condolèances "pour le décès de sa majesté le roi "Edouard 7, roi de la grande nation"alliée et ami devoué du Portugal.

"Le vice-Président,


IV.—"On the 7th instant the Italian"Senate, after hearing a commemorative"speech delivered by the Marchese di"San Giuliano, Minister for Foreign "Affairs, decided to suspend its sittings "for three days in token of mourning "for the death of His Majesty King Edward VII, the august Sovereign "whose memory is venerated by all "Italy.

"At the same time the Senate decided "to instruct His Excellency the President "to convey to the House of Lords and"to the British Government its pro "found condolence at the great loss"which the British Nation has sustained.

"According to the instructions which "I have received from the President, "I have the honour to request Your "Excellency to convey these sentiments "to the Prime Minister, the other"Members of the Government, and the "House of Lords.

"I have, &c.,


V.—Also a translation of a Note from the Italian Ambassador, enclosing a report of the proceedings of the Italian Senate at a Session held in commemoration of His late Majesty King Edward VII, and of the speech delivered on that occasion by the Marquis di San Giuliano.

Several Lords—Took the Oath.