§ Amendments reported (according to order).
§ EARL BEAUCHAMPThe Amendments which were agreed to yesterday by your Lordships' House were not quite in a form that would commend themselves to people who like an Act of Parliament to be strictly accurate. The whole purpose of these Amendments will be readily seen on referring to them. It is simply to make the Bill more symmetrical than it was left when your Lordships' Amendments were passed. We wish to secure, in the first place, that the midwife shall be a certified midwife; and with regard to the others, instead of putting "one person appointed by the Royal British Nurses Association" in one subsection we have moved her to another where that person will find herself in company with others who are to be appointed.
Amendment moved—
Clause 1, page 1, line 17, after ("a") insert ("certified").—(Earl Beauchamp.)
§ On Question, Amendment agreed to.
§ EARL BEAUCHAMPI think your Lordships will now see that the other Amendments are perfectly simple. The person will be moved into the other clause, instead of leaving him or her where he or she is rather out of place.
§ Amendments moved—
§ Clause 1, page 1, lines 18 and 19, leave out ("and" one person by the Royal British Nurses Association")
§ Clause 1, page 1, line 20, leave out ("four") and insert ("five")
§ Clause 1, page 1, line 23, after ("Health") insert ("one by the Royal British Nurses Association").—(Earl Beauchamp.)
§ On Question, Amendments agreed to.
§ Bill to be read 3ª on Monday next, and to be printed as amended. (No. 143.)