§ 1. Statute made by the Governing Body of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, on the 11th December, 1909, and sealed on the same date, amending Statutes XIII, XV, 6, 7, and 7A, and XXV (2) of the Statutes of the College. (No. 25);
§ 2. Statutes made by the Governing Body of King's College, Cambridge, on the 30th October, 1909, and sealed on the 3rd December, 1909, amending Statute F., Chapter II, and Statute K., Chapter II, of the Statutes of the College. (No. 26);
§ 3. Statute made by the Governing Body of Oriel College, Oxford, on the 24th November, 1909, and sealed on the 14th December, 1909, amending Statute III (10) of the Statutes of the College. (No. 27):
§ Laid before the House (pursuant to Act), and to be printed.