HL Deb 19 October 1899 vol 77 c229

My Lords, I have to lay before the House the following gracious Message from Her Majesty— The state of affairs in South Africa having constituted in the opinion of Her Majesty a case of great emergency within the meaning of the Act of Parliament, Her Majesty deems it proper to provide additional means for the military service, and therefore has thought it right to communicate to the House of Lords that Her Majesty is, by proclamation, about to order the embodiment of Militia, and to call out Her Militia Reserve Force, or such part thereof as Her Majesty shall think necessary, for permanent service. In answer to that Message it is usual for the House to vote an Address, and as, owing to the different arrangement of business in the two Houses, that proceeding was given notice of yesterday and is now going on in the House of Commons, I think I shall best consult your Lordships' convenience by moving that the Message be considered immediately.

Moved, That Her Majesty's gracious Message be taken into consideration forthwith.

The same was agreed to, and the said Message considered accordingly.

Then it was moved "That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty thanking Her Majesty for her most gracious Message communicating to this House Her Majesty's intention to cause the Militia to be embodied, and the Militia Reserve Force, or such part thereof as Her Majesty may think necessary, to be forthwith called out for permanent service. "Agreed to, nemine dissentiente.

Ordered that the said Address be presented to Her Majesty by the Lords with White Staves.