HL Deb 09 May 1899 vol 71 c134

My Lords, very few words will be necessary from me to explain the object of this Bill. In 1889 a Bill called the "Infectious Diseases (Notification) Act" was passed, the object of it being to require medical men in attendance on sick persons suffering from any infectious disease to notify the same to the medical officer of health. The Bill was compulsory in London, but required to be adopted in the provinces. It has been adopted with great advantage; but there is a small gap where the Bill has not been adopted, and the measure which I am now asking your Lordships to read a second time is intended to fill up that gap, and make the Act of 1889 universal throughout England. The Bill has passed through the House of Commons without opposition, and is approved by the Local Government Board, and therefore I have no hesitation in asking your Lordships to give it a second reading.

Moved— That the Bill be now read 2a."—(Lord Thring.)


The Local Government Board have no objection whatever to this Bill.

On Question, agreed to.

Bill read 2a (according to order), and committed to a Committee of the whole House on Monday next.

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