HL Deb 04 May 1899 vol 70 cc1281-2

Motion made, and Question proposed—

"That this Bill be rend a second time."—(Lord Carnworth.)


My Lords, in moving the Second Reading of this Bill, I should like to explain that its object is to provide that a, justice, of the peace shall not be disqualified from acting for any purpose under the Licensing Acts of 1872–74, or under any Act which may for time being be in force for regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors or the granting of licences for such sale, by reason of his holding any share or being otherwise interested, whether beneficially or otherwise, in any railway company, which is a retailer of liquor in the licensing district or in the district or districts adjoining to that in which such justice usually acts, or who is wholly or partly the owner, lessee, or occupier of any licensed premises. It is a very small Bill, but it has some importance in agricultural districts where the disqualification of justices has caused very considerable inconvenience. The Bill has been previously passed by the House without opposition, and I trust your Lordships will give the Measure a Second Reading.


As I am interested in the case of the Magistrates, I must say that this is a very proper Bill to be passed by your Lordships' House. The very minute interest which it may be supposed a person has in any matter of this kind because he happens to have a share in a railway company ought not to be a subject of qualification. It seems to me to be carrying a question of interest to a ridiculous extent. Undoubtedly it has caused considerable inconvenience in various districts, and I trust your Lordships will give a Second. Beading to this Bill.

Question put.

Bill read a second time.