§ Petitions that a Committee should be appointed to define the extent to which municipal trading should be sanctioned by Parliament; of Leicester Association of the Engineering Employers' Federation—West of England Steamship Owners' Protection and Indemnity Association, Limited—Ilford Gas Light and Coke Company, Limited—Liverpool Shipowners' Association—Central Association of Master Builders of London—Kensington and Knightsbridge Electric Lighting Company, Limited—Liverpool and Bootle Property Owners' and Ratepayers' Association—National Association of Master Builders of Great Britain and Ireland—Brighton and Hove General Gas Company—Nottingham Master Builders' Association—Sunderland and South Shields Water Company—East Surrey Water Company—Master Builder Association of Oldham and District—Dublin Mercantile Association, Limited—Dublin Chamber of Commerce—Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electrical Supply Company, Limited—Walker and Wallsend Union Gas Company—Nottingham and District Engineers' and Employers' Association—National Retail Jewellers' Association of Great Britain and Ireland—Liverpool Master Builders' Association—Electric Power Storage Company—South of Scotland Chamber of Commercei—Electric Construction Company, Limited —Lambeth Waterworks Company—North Staffordshire Chamber of Com merce—Hampton Court Gas Company—Thomas Greene and Son, Limited (Leeds}—Guildford Gas Company—Wirrall and Birkenhead Building Trades Employers Association—York United Gas Light Company—Southampton Incorporated Chamber of Commerce—Southamptoi and District Builders and Decorators' 1164 Association—Southport Tramways Company, Limited—London General Omnibus Company, Limited—Alliance and Dublin Consumers Gas Company—Keighley and District Chamber of Commerce—Walsall Master Builders' Association—Newark and District Master Builders' Association—National Building Trades Employers' Federation (Midland Federation)—Birmingham Master Builders' Association—Carpet Manufacturing Association—Lambeth Brass and Iron Company, Limited—Dover Gas Light Company—Mint, Birmingham, Limited—Blyth and Cowpen Gas Company—Joseph Edmonson, Engineer—Manchester District Engineering Trades Employers' Association —The Leeds Property Owners' Association—The County of London and Brush Provincial Electric Lighting Company, Limited—Glasgow Landlords' Association, Limite—Lancashire and Cheshire Building Trades Federation—Birkenhead United Tramways, Omnibus, and Carriage Company, Limited—Master Builders' Association of Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge, Dunkinfield, Hyde, Denton, and District—South Essex Waterworks Company—Manchester, Salford, and District Master Plumbers' Association—Bradford Ratepayers' and Property Owners' Association—Middleton and District Master Builders' Association—Manchester, Sal-ford, and District Property Owners' Association—Preston Master Builders' Association—Hyde Gas Company—Athenry and Tuam (Extension to Claremorris) Railway Company—West Clare Railway Company—South Clare Railway Companv—South Metropolitan Gas Company—John Crossley and Sons, Limited—Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Limited—Town and County of Poole Gas and Coke Company, Limited—Master Masons of Manchester—Bath Gas Light and Coke Company—Gosport Waterworks Company—Matlock and District Gas Company—Cambridge Street Tramway Company—Dublin United Tramways Company—Rhymney Railway Company—Harrogate Gas Company—East of Scotland Association of Engineers and Ironfounders—Rowland, Barnett, and Company, Limited—George Blackburn and Sons, Limited—Edmonson's Electricity Corporation, Limited—Birmingham and Midland Tramways, Limited—Tal de Travers Asphalte Paying Company, Limited—Preston and 1165 District Engineers' and Ironfounders' Association—Bradford and District Re-tail Tobacconists' Association—Manchester and District Furniture Manufacturing Association—Accrington and District Master Builders' Association—Electric Blasting Apparatus Company of Cinderford—Kayser, Ellison, and Company, Limited—General Mutual Investment Building Society—National Association of Master Plumbers of Great Britain and Ireland, Limited—Howe Electric Engineering Company—Derby Master Builders' Association—Cowans, Sheldon, and Company, Limited—Bradford Tramways and Omnibus Company, Limited—Ventnor Gas and Water Company—Skipton Gas Company—Washington and Company (Engineers)—James Hinks and Son, Limited—Shrewsbury and District Master Builders' Association—Shrewsbury Gas Light Company—Colchester Gas Company—Hawthorn, Leslie, and-Company, Limited—Keighley Electrical Engineering Company, Limited—Crewe and District Master Builders' Association—Yorkshire Federation of Building Trade Employers—Iron Trades Employers'Association—Society of Coal Merchants of London—Joseph Blackburn—J. C. Howell, Limited (Electrical Engineer)—Exmouth Gas Company—Bury, Rochdale, and Oldham Tramway Company, Limited—Dublin and Blessington Steam Tramway Company—Dudley and Stourbridge Electric Traction Company, Limited—Gosport Gas Company—Master Lightermen and Barge Owners' Association—Clarke, Chapman, and Company, Limited—London Master Carmen and Cartage Contractors' Association—Leeds Forge Company, Limited—Stroud Water Company—Vauxhall Ironworks. Limited—Thos. Firth and Sons, Limited—Southgate Engineering Company, Limited—Gateshead and District Tramways Company—South Yorkshire Junction Railway Company—Falkirk and District Landlords' Association—Wolverhampton Master Builders' Association—Thomas Barton (Engineer)—John Spencer and Sons, Limited—London Association for the Protection of Trade—Penrikyber Navigation Colliery Company, Limited—Sharp, Stewart, and Company, Limited—Cork, Bandon, and South Coast Railway Company—Lanarkshire Coalmasters' Association—Worcester Master Builders' Association—Woolwich and District 1166 House Owners' and Ratepayers' Association—Lincoln Chamber of Commerce—Blackburn Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade—Sunderland Gas Company—Park Hall Collieries, Limited—William Sugg and Company, Limited—City of Oxford and District Tramways Company, Limited—Birmingham and, Aston Tramways Company, Limited—Wallasey United Tramway and Omnibus Company, Limited—Wirral Tramway Company, Limited—Leamington Priors Gas Company—London and Provincial Steam Laundry Company, Limited—Liverpool and Birkenhead Branch of the Iron Trades Employers' Association—Liverpool and Birkenhead Association of the Engineering Employers' Federation—and of the London Chamber of Commerce—Read, and ordered to lie on the Table.