HL Deb 05 June 1899 vol 72 c291

Report from the Committee of Selection, That the Lord Erskine be proposed to the House as a member of the Select Committee in the place of the Viscount Powerscourt; read, and agreed to.

China, No. 2. (1899)—Correspondence between Her Majesty's Government and the Russian Government with regard to their respective railway interests in China: Presented (by command), and ordered to lie on the Table.

Parliamentary Returns Act, 1869 (Trustee Savings Bank)—Treasury Minute, dated 29th May, 1899, directing the discontinuance of the return annually laid before Parliament, pursuant to the sixth section of the Savings Banks Moneys Act, 1863, showing the assets and liabilities of the National Debt Commissioners in respect of Trustee Savings Banks: Laid before the House (pursuant to Act),and ordered to lie on the Table.

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